Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sweet Summer Disposition

I am knee deep in my first New England Summer. It's blazing hot, humidity sticks and frizzes my hair, everywhere inside is air conditioned but the drastic change in temperatures causes goose bumps and chills and it's so warm and still at night one can barely sleep. Even though this sounds absolutely miserable, the summer is actually okay. The adjustment of this being my first "working" summer as in there is no transition between work and vacation and it's just as it was before and yet the season has changed, was clearly difficult. I found myself longing for Mountain Camp, longing for summer vacation and longing for what used to be. Fortunately my mindset has yet again changed and I'm yet again grateful for where I currently am and wouldn't take any steps backwards.

We have filled our summer, thus far, with pool sides, long days at the beach, escapes to the Cape, late night BBQs, lots of frozen yogurt and spending every moment we can outside. My golden tan and glow is worth the melting, sweltering heat. And somewhere between sunshine and seashores, K and I celebrated our one year anniversary! A place in my life I never thought I'd be, with a boy I never thought I deserved, we looked back on this first year and enjoyed a night of harbor side seafood and music-less dancing in the park.

The change in seasons and change in weather has made this first year in Boston come full circle. Crazy to think back how cold it was, how the city was constantly covered in a down comforter of snow and sunshine seemed nearly impossible. But like all good things, the wait is worth it and so we devour each day (and secretly hope winter never comes again).

So, of course, I am and have always been a planner so there are always things cooking in my agenda. I wade in the present and absorb each moment but I get such a high out of planning my future and watching it unravel. The immediate future is somewhat expected- we are off to Vermont next weekend for friendly reunions and K's comedy show and then our highly anticipated visit to California is just 17 days away. The return to the west coast is just what I have been craving and just what I am needing. With a recent diagnosis of homesickness, I need California and all her glory to recharge my soul.

Upon our return to Boston, K and I are moving in together (!!!!!!!!!!!!) and our next chapter begins. We have future chapters planned- some in the near future and some off the map but for the first time I'm making all these plans with someone besides myself. And it's crazy because they are real plans and somehow these real/adult/big girl plans are not scaring me. As we plan for a move in 9 months (location to be revealed later but you can probably guess where...) I am thrilled and beyond excited to start making these steps together. Individually I am still making moves and plans to move up in my career- little acts of magic have already begun and the dreams are becoming more clear and attainable. Whatever happens, I'll be sharing the details. For better or worse.