Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Outside The Snow Is Falling...

It's that time of the year again. There's snow outside, colorful lights are strung from trees and A frame-shaped houses, jolly tunes blare from radio stations and my i-pod on repeat, there's a sense of happiness in the brisk air and all I feel is the fullness of life.

November, of course, flew by. Weekend in Monterrey for a wonderful, much needed family reunion, a fall party at the KP and the anticipated annual trip home for the fall festivities of Thanksgiving. It was the best break filled with spontaneity, blasts from the pasts, dancing all night in San Francisco clubs, inspiring chats about NYC, golden sun rays, family sips of Mead wine, dipping my toes in the world of publishing, high school reunions and finally hanging the multi-colored 1980's Christmas lights with the brothers.

As the dark winter begins to flurry outside, the future is getting brighter. We've been virtually apartment hunting for the big September move to New York. Now more than ever I know it's the right choice- the next step in life. I've been getting familiar with the different areas of the city, figuring out potential budgets and really looking at any job that would pay the bills. Regardless of all the negative responses I hear from people (how are you going to pay for it? can you handle NYC life? do you know anyone there?) I still feel 110% positive this is the right choice. Of course I take these concerns, understand them, respect that people care about my well-being but honestly take it with a grain of salt. There may be 100 reasons to not go but there's one reason why I should- because it's my dream. Because I know I can do it, I can figure it out.

So here we go into December- a closing to a year filled with growth, learning, life experiences and more cliches that have described 2009. but I'll save all those reflections for the next blog...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happiness In Kansas

I recently made the 14 hour round trip trek to Manhattan, Kansas. Taking a roadtrip and attending a visitor football game was on my bucket list and what better time is there than the present.

Hannah and I miraculously left by 8:30am on Friday. The drive was filled with falls in the mud, run-ins with highway patrol, questionable roadtrip food and of course we ran out of gas in a town with population 12. When we reached Kansas State, we had no where to stay, no one to call and no agenda. It was perfect. We reminded ourselves that moments like these are where you truly experience life and we did just that. We made every moment count, met some of the craziest characters, played a horrible football game but tailgated in a million dollar RV, barely got sleep and before we knew it- we were back out on I-70 heading west.

Everyone told me Kansas was one of those states you can do without- that it's the same as Nebraska and Oklahoma and that there's nothing really there. Lies. I've never been to Oklahoma (next roadtrip?) but I've been to Nebraska and it was completely different. Kansas is gorgeous- Kansas knows fall. The colors were the kind you read about in books or the kind you crave to fill a blank canvas with. The open road offers everything. Miles of clear thoughts, blue skies and a few clouds that let your imagination run wild. The Kansasans, as I liked to call them, contain the most school spirit I've ever seen. They bleed purple and the entire town is dedicated to the Wildcat mania.

When I was applying for college, I thought it was going to be the biggest decision of my life. I spent hours looking at pictures, reading blogs and trying to figure out where I'd find myself. By the end, my dad reminded me that wherever you go, there you are and months later I moved to CU and now years later here I am- still happy as ever to have chosen CU but my happiness here wasn't found- I created it. I truly think that I would have been happy anywhere I attended school because you make it what it is. I'm about to make another one of these "life changing decisions" and currently it seems like the biggest yet- where to go after graduation. But I think it's clear that I'll make life enjoyable anywhere. Whether I end up in Manhattan, Kansas or Manhattan, New York I know I'm going to be just fine.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Falling Back

Suddenly it's October. The leaves are golden, the air is crisp and life is finally beginning to slow down. Already we're in midterm season- but didn't school just start?

Today finishes fall rush- I was a Rho Gamma or basically a guide for the freshmen girls going through recruitment. To be honest, I thought I was completely done with the sorority. I skipped out of rush and did the Rho Gamma thing and was contemplating dropping or going inactive. But within these last few days I've seen how much Theta has meant to me and how I honestly couldn't imagine my life without it. Maybe it was sitting at pref night speeches and seeing all the potential members nervous as hell and wondering if Theta was the right house for them- I remember sitting in their exact seat just 3 years ago. At first I was extremely jealous- so envious that their experiences are just beginning and sadly the ends of mine are in view. But I realized that these last years in Theta have molded my life in every way possible and I wouldn't trade that for anything. I guess I'm "that" sorority girl they talk about during rush- I've met the girls that will be in my wedding, the girls that will stand by my side no matter the situation and people that truly want the best for me and are determined to see me succeed. When I chose Theta 3 years ago, I never saw that in my future. I saw parties and boys and fraternities and fun. Who knew it would be all that and yet so much more?

Senior year has been by far the most stressful and most academically challenging but to be honest- I like it. I'm always at the library or Starbucks studying (I've been reading so much I had to break out my glasses from high school...) and my planner is maxed out. But I just keep reminding myself that this is the last year- the last time I'll have homework or midterms or class and suddenly it doesn't seem so bad.

It seems the future is a frequent topic amongst college seniors- what are you going to do? Where are you going to live? How does your resume look? When's your next interview? Some people freak out and wonder how life could possibly go on post college but I'm getting excited. It will be the first time in my life where I can do absolutely anything I want. As a classified roadrunner, my plans are always changing but as of today I want to move to the east coast- New York or Boston- and work my way into the publishing world. Make some money, work on my writings, publish them and travel. I want to be dead broke and live on a tight budget. I want a tiny apartment that barely fits my bed but has a large, inspiring window to fill my head with possibilities. I want a library card to explore the passion around me and a coffee pot to brew my imagination during the late nights.
Does that seem like too much to ask for?

Friday, August 21, 2009

All Grown Up

1,300 miles later, here I am sitting in my new house, at my new barbie pink desk, facing new neighbors but in a town so familiar that the 9 month absence almost seems like it never occurred. It's amazing that everything in my life can change yet Boulder remains and feels the same.

It's been just days of this new life. No more kids, no more traveling, no more songs around the campfire and no more moments with the people I miss so much. But this life- the life of a college senior- is already becoming the norm. Now I can cook for myself, can legally have a glass of wine or legally get into the bars on Pearl, can walk into my backyard and be greeted by my closest girlfriends, we can have candles in our rooms and not be worried around breaking a sorority house rule, and most importantly we can all come back after being separated for so long and act as if no time has passed. We are finally adults.

Camp ended on the best note- we celebrated a birthday with a limo ride, brewery visit, corn hole games and gambling (Randon and I won $60!) and returned to camp for one last night in a bunkbed and sleeping bag. Early Sunday morning, Randon drove me down to Sacramento to meet dad. With a farewell hug and kiss, I said goodbye to someone who has changed my life in the best possible way and got in the turtle to begin the 16 hour trip east. Crosby and Nash guided us over the mountains, into Reno for a few games of blackjack where my beginners luck was still sparking. Kings of Leon and Black Eyed Peas (yes my dad actually put up with my taste of music) led us through the Great Salt Lake and finally we stopped for the night in Wyoming. Bright and early we dashed out and before we knew it the Rockies were in view. We spent the day building furniture, buying home essentials and soaking in the Boulder sunshine. For my 3rd cinematic visit of the 2009 year, Dad and I went and saw '500 Days of Summer' and sadly the following morning I dropped him off at DIA. It was one of the best times I've ever had with my dad- it must go along with this whole adult stage of my life. We talked about everything- whether it was school, Theta, camp or boys and to no surprise he gave me the best and most relevant advice. Because of him, I'm ready to take on what comes next and I truly believe the universe will unfold just as it should.

This year has been unreal- every experience whether it was SAS, camp and now being back in Boulder, has taught me more about myself and given me more happiness than I ever thought imaginable. The future promises nothing less- I'm sure of it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Another Step Forward

It's hard to believe that in a matter of two short weeks, my life will change yet again. I will be surrounded by new people and living in a new place- actually people and a place that I call home, Boulder, but haven't been there since December. In just a 1,000 mile roadtrip with my awesome dad, I will pull into our new bachelorette pad on Pleasant and start my final year as a college kid. The perfect word to describe it all is bittersweet.

Life at camp was so easy to adjust to. Living outdoors, playing in the water, trying new activities and being submerged in the simple life- something I got used to and called my own quickly. It's a comforting feeling knowing I took a risk- I applied and came to camp not knowing a soul or what exactly I would be doing. Immediately it just felt right. It has been like every star aligned and I am exactly where I should be. And so as I get ready to leave this soothing, relaxing environment and enter the 'real world' I have to remind myself that it's yet another amazing opportunity coming my way.

I'm taking everything I learned whether it was from a 7 year old, 15 year old, from the late nights of stargazing, from the adventures sailing around the lake, the courage to get on stage and sing/dance, the willingness to try absolutely anything- from every counselor and friend who has shown me a brighter side to life and to a special boy who against all odds has shown me that good things are out and to enjoy each and every moment with a smile on your face and some faith in your heart.

It's another big leap but I'm ready.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Life At 6,000 Feet

It's already the start of an amazing summer- the best I could ask for. Mountain Camp is everything I thought it would be yet so much more. The kids are wild, young and fill my days with happiness and craziness. They are a constant reminder that life is short so live it up.

I spend my days out on the lake lifeguarding, kayaking, sailing or cliff jumping. I come up to main camp where I lead sports, arts and crafts- aka I run around, play and paint. My evenings consist of campfires, skits, songs and sunsets that take my breath away. Every time I sit at the lake and then sun begins to fall behind the pine trees as the sailboats sway in the foreground- I have to honestly stop and wonder how I ever got so lucky to be here?

My co-workers have become my best friends in a matter of days- they come from all over the world and offer everything from a new insight on life to new vocabulary and slang. Even my boss has become a close friend and although I'm technically on the clock for 14 hours- I don't see one of them as work.

Ice House Lake is gorgeous in itself- I took a night kayak ride out with a friend and we cruised across the lake while the stars served as the only light. It was just one of those moments where I knew everything was just as it should be. Everything is magic and I honestly could not ask for more.

Coming from semester at sea to a month at home and now a summer in tahoe... at first I thought nothing would top my travels around the world but really- they just keep getting better.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Change In Attitudes

As much as things are back to normal, they are quickly about to change. Change seems to be the theme of this year- whether it's political, emotional, physical or mental everything around me seems to be changing.

Just as my waves of depression were crashing, Heidi took a surprise visit to San Francisco and lifted my spirits right up. It had been nearly a week and a half but it felt like forever since we had been sitting in 4164 sailing the open waters. Showing Heidi around was just what I needed. We took my favorite walk around town, played in the fog and sand at Stinson, drank hot espresso in Sausilito and had those hour long chats where by the end, the only remaining feeling is happiness. After introducing Heidi to the fam and my life here, it showed me that SAS is real. The friendships, the memories, the relationships- they are all alive and will remain apart of me.

Turning 21 was quite the change as well. I used to think 21 just meant you could legally party- little did I know, at the stroke of midnight it's like you've been given a permanent invitation to the adult table. It was the first birthday ever where when someone asked, "do you feel any older" I actually did.

Right after my birthday, I faced the biggest challenge of all: 39 hours of lifeguard certification. I must say I had been dreading this since... January when I knew I needed to take the class. I was scared of everything- getting in the water, failing, not knowing anyone or anything and being expected to make judgments to save someone's life. On the first day of class, I actually sat in the parking lot and had to convince myself to go. After taking a deep breath, I entered into Mill Valley Community Center and found the meeting room. Inside were twenty 15-17 year olds and now more than ever, I felt out of place and ridiculously old. We started off with the pre-req exam- something I had actually been practicing for the last week: 300 yards of freestyle and breaststroke and diving down to get a 10 lb. brick and carrying it 50 yards. Of course to anyone who can swim, this sounds relatively easy but I once taught myself to swim in our Bakersfield pool and never took lessons.

Against all odds, I passed and we began the actual course. The next 3 days were 8am-8pm of watching cheesy videos, reading textbooks, diving, holding my breathe for longer than I knew was possible, pretend rescues and surprisingly having an amazing weekend. I got to know some of the kids- they filled me in on the high school gossip and how they can't wait to get their license. They were dying to know any secrets I had about college and if I could pretty please just tell them what it's like to be in the Greek system. Simultaneously I was getting to know my lifeguard instructors who happened to be my age. They were two cute guys who basically were paid to babysit all weekend since let's be honest- 80% of the class didn't pay attention. By the end of the grueling 39 hours, I had made new friends, been offered a job at the MVCC pool (biggest shock of them all), passed with flying colors and even tested out of a section, faced all my aquatic fears, and was extended an invitation to hang out with the instructors after class.

It's these situations I have to remember- I always set it up in my head as something scary- facing challenges are horrifying but time after time I leave and come out having an amazing time. The time flew by, I learned more than I thought possible, made new friends and for a second it was fun to relive moments of high school. It was a good practice for my upcoming adventure at Mt. Camp where I literally know no one and will be living with them for 9 weeks.

The important thing I realized is my fear doesn't hold me back. Even though I sat in the car debating whether to actually go into the class, I knew I would. Even when there is a large obstructing task in front of me, I know I will conquer it and fortunately, when I get to the other side, I've gained far beyond what I started with.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How To Deal

“Well, I'm gonna get out of bed every morning...breathe in and out all day long. Then, after a while I won't have to remind myself to get out of bed every morning and breathe in and out....and, then after a while, I won't have to think about how great and perfect I had it once” Sleepless in Seattle

Everything is different and it’s only been a week. I have successfully slept through one night while the others I stay up late living through pictures, journal entries or night chats with fellow shipmates who have suddenly become nocturnal as well. I have never felt like this. Part of me feels like I am in a dream; an alter universe. It doesn’t seem real when I tell people “I circumnavigated the globe” or “I went around the world” because most people (sometimes even I) can’t fathom the idea.

Everyone has been so supportive. Thank you to those who have listened to me, who have cared and who continue to remind me that this journey did occur and it is simply the beginning. My parents have been ridiculously accommodating and helpful but I guess that's another part of growing up- they are treating me as an equal and the leash they once held must have been severed somewhere along the ride.

For the first time in my life, I feel older. Being in Novato, feels like I’m visiting- even being in my parent’s house feels like I’m at my grandparents or somewhere I can call home but not necessarily my own. That in itself is scary.

I’m finding comfort in others who have traveled, returned and felt completely lost but then wrote about it. My second day here started off at the library- surrounded myself with inspiration and wisdom while finding complete self help in the travel section. It’s a slow process- filtering through all the emotions and at times I’m a wreck. My mood changes by the hour. One moment I’m full of energy, ready to take on the next adventure, eager for Mt. Camp and happy to be here. The next I’m crying and questioning why I’m even here and if there is anything greater than what I just experienced. I’m missing people and the life I created- the life at sea I so easily called mine because it fit perfectly.

Fortunately, I’m often in the happy mood. I really am thrilled for the next chapter of my life. I’m looking forward to being here with my family, turning 21 in San Francisco next week, attempting to become life guard certified, moving to Lake Tahoe and working at Mt. Camp and then starting yet another chapter of my life for my final year in Boulder (which might be the scariest realization of them all...)

Facebook and the modern world have made it rather easy to keep in contact with people. Every time someone posts pictures online I get the rush of excitement and take a long, whole hearted stroll down memory lane. As close as it makes everyone seem, the people I miss the most feel the farthest away. While driving up on the 101 yesterday, I thought what if I kept going? Washington is just north and I could be there by sundown. Unfortunately I settled for a phone call but oh how the temptation is there...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Guatemala- We've Only Just Begun

We were told Guatemala was going to be ridiculously dangerous. Be on the lookout for pickpockets, robberies, hold ups with guns, murders, etc. Your guard needed to be up 24/7 and you needed to make curfew by 11pm every night. Guatemala may be violent and have high crime but it was my favorite port-the most life changing one and the perfect way to conclude this voyage.

Heidi, Peter and I packed lightly and headed off into Puerto Quetzal just before 10:30am. We shared a van taxi with four other LLCs (basically RAs onboard) and took a 2 hour ride deep into Guatemala heading for Lake Atitlan. With nearly 20km left to go, our car broke down outside a Shell station. Locals were quick to help and diagnose the issue- I practiced my espanol skills and translated that something was broken but we could still continue driving. 10 minutes later the car broke down again and this time we pulled off the road behind another truck that was having trouble. The driver of the other car held a large machete but offered to set it down as he scoped out the engine. A police truck drove by, pulled off and offered us protection with their massive AK guns. We remained calm, produced positive thoughts and tried to understand as much Spanish as we could. The car was momentarily fixed but after moving a few yards, it died yet again. The police offered to drive us the rest of the way. Heidi, Ben, Nathan and I sat in the back while Peter, Nicole and Sarah climbed in the cab with the police. Fortunately sitting in the back gave us a nice tour of central Guatemala- filled with lush green vegetation and soil perfect for crops. We reached the small town of San Pedro with everyone staring and glaring at us as we rode in with the police and drove right to the dock. Surrounding the beautiful, picturesque lake were little mountain towns. We took an hour ride out to Santa Cruz where the LLCs had booked their hostel. Peter, Heidi and I had no plans on staying but as we rose up from the docks, it seemed we had stumbled into a magical haven.

The Iguna was just what we had been looking for. Yoga, scuba diving gear, Spanish lessons, hammocks, an open deck over looking the lake, genuine Guatemalan cuisine, and an open cabaña for 3- it was perfect. We dropped off our backpacks, were served local beer and the 7 of us ventured off to explore the small town. We climbed up the steep slopes and reached a breathtaking view. Across the lake, two volcanoes rested and the clear skies gave near perfect visibility to the surrounding towns. On our hike down, we picked up some cheese and crackers and sat outside the patio area back at the hostel. The sun was setting and our stomachs were rumbling as Peter and I curled up in the ‘chill room’ and took a quick siesta. Just as we woke up, our family style dinner was being served: chunky tomato soup, homemade pizza and squash cake. We met other American travelers and one of the employees even went to high school with Peter and Heidi back in Seattle. The employees of the Iguna work in 2 week increments; a sign rests outside offering room and board in exchange for 2 weeks or more of service. Brian, the newest employee of 2 days, told great stories of his adventures for the last 13 months. He’s from Cincinnati but took his backpack, camera and sense of adventure when he left home and began his journey down Central and South America. Sounds like the perfect traveling plan.

After dinner, I learned how to shoot pool for the first time while other guests played cards, darts or sat around chatting. As the frogs began to croak and the mosquitoes began to bite, Heidi, Peter and I went out looking for a clear place to jump into the lake. Scared by the rumors of Guatemala’s danger, we headed back to the dock and laid out looking at all the stars instead. I don’t know if I have ever seen stars like this- the sky looked so close and like I literally could reach out and touch it. The shooting stars caught a few of my wishes but I felt like I had everything you could possibly need. By 11:30, just breaking curfew, we crawled into the cabana and fell asleep listening to the sounds of nature creep into the night.

Peter woke me up by throwing a pillow in my face- Heidi had already gone off into the lake for a morning swim. We sat out on the porch and soaked up the glistening sun as the morning yoga class stretched into harmony. Breakfast was astounding; fresh fruit (most amazing pineapple of my life), granola, yogurt, black beans, eggs, tomatoes, avocados and of course Guatemalan grown coffee. We put on our swimsuits and flipflops and decided to hike across to the nearest town of Jabilito. The population must have been under 100 but the town was full of smiling faces and hard working women and children who carried goods on their heads throughout the street. On our hike back, we jumped in the lake- so refreshing, clear and stunning. We ran into Brian who was enjoying his first day off. The four of us stumbled upon the Santa Cruz verse Pana futbol game; playing in matching uniforms on a torn up field, the ninos scrambled for the ball and rustled in the dirt. At halftime, we made our way back to the hostel for lunch- more delicious comida and traveling stories from Anna, another employee who started her journey from Cambridge months ago.

The boat to Pana, our next destination, arrived full but we snuggled in between. We arrived 15 minutes later and walked throughout the town stopping at the markets. After using the art of bargaining, we walked away with new shirts, aprons, a hat, jewelry and friendship bracelets before returning to the pier again. We had arranged a van to come and drive us over the mountain and into Antigua but before leaving, we bought a few tortillas and an avocado off the street and made our own scrumptious, fresh mini sandwiches. The road to Antigua was long, rough, windy and turned our stomachs into knots. Dusk was upon us as we sped through little towns crowded with chicken buses and more pot holes. Finally by 6pm, we arrived at the Casa Anto Domingo- a famous ruin museum in the middle of an overpriced, fancy resort.

We had wanted that local, hostel style traveling but Peter’s roommate insisted that we all meet up and have a formal, nice last night out. However, we came into the hotel dirty, smelly and carrying our backpacks- we were an immediate target for suspicious behavior and the guards took notice. Unfortunately Peter’s roommate hadn’t arrived yet but we were lucky enough to find a fellow SASer in the hotel that let us hang out in the suite. We dropped off our packs, freshened up, and headed back into the city to explore as much of Antigua as we could. Cobblestone streets, whole buildings that are only divided by the drastic change of colors and an enormous volcano in the background; Antigua is gorgeous. By 8:30, it was pouring rain so we hurried back to the hotel only to find Mike, Peter’s roommate, still hadn’t check in. Rather than stress, Heidi and I treated ourselves to the pool and hot tub. The entire hotel had such a romantic feel- rose peddles in vases, everything lit by candles and white christmas lights. After swimming in the rain, Peter finally found his roommate who had already gone to dinner at the hotel… even though we had been waiting for him to eat. Grumpy and worried about being out at night, we found black bean and sausage pizza, red and white wine, and ate inside the hotel room. The night ended up being filled with bumping into random SAS students and faculty within the hotel, fireworks going off that sounded like gun shots, and a late night order of room service- very different from our previous night yet one to remember.

Heidi was up early but Peter and I slept till 9:30. We took a half hour walk around the hotel just trying to find her before we hit the streets in search for breakfast. At the city square, we found Café Contesta- we sat inside on a bench in the middle of a garden with a fountain and chirping birds. Brunch was phenomenal- banana smoothies, coffee, huevos rancheros, granola and the most amazing jam I’ve ever had. It was pineapple and papaya with a hint of cinnamon- I ate it plain for a sweet after taste. We walked around the city more and made our last stop at the market- needed to use my bargaining skills one last time. I stopped in a young woman’s shop and found the ideal anklet I’d been searching for. As she tied my new multi-colored woven thread, she noticed the shoes hanging off my backpack. She asked if they were mine and what size- without even confirming, I handed her the green tennis shoes I bought specifically for SAS. The shoes have been around the world- stormed the streets of Morocco, posed in front of the Taj Mahal, played in the fields of Vietnam- and now they will remain in Guatemala. Somewhere adventurous and with many more miles to offer, I hope they bring her exactly where she desires to go.

We took a van back to Puerto Quetzal to make it before dock time. One last time boarding the 5th deck gangway. One last time swiping my card. One last time having my backpack checked for smuggling on alcohol. One last time to watch us pull out of port. We had a BBQ on the 7th deck as the horn blew three times and we began our final leg down the southern coast of Central America.

I was worried that Guatemala would leave me with such a final ending feeling. That it would register that this was the last port- my last hooray before going home. But it’s been quiet the opposite. Being at the lake, talking to Brian, traveling with Peter and Heidi- this is simply the beginning. Semester At Sea may be nearing its end but my journey, adventures and life lessons are just launching. I’m thrilled to continue on- to keep living out of my backpack, eating bread and cheese and calling it a meal, practicing my Spanish, living in run down hostels, making discoveries left and right and finding myself in the oddest of places. It’s the people that I’m going to miss- it’s the friends who have become family that are the reasons I can’t face SAS ending.

Heidi has been my hero- the person I aspire to be. She is 23 and has already done so much yet carries the potential to do so much more (and she will). She takes life as it comes at her and focuses on the moment. She dances to her own beat and has been so kind to share that rhythm with me. Then there is Peter. The time with Peter has taught me more about myself and who I want to be more than anyone else I’ve ever met. He has shown me the beauty in the small moments and the power in the silence. We are currently sitting on the 6th deck watching the waves crash by and 3 dolphins just jumped and splashed right before our eyes. Peter stopped me from typing just to stand up and look overboard- to soak it all in and experience this. It’s these moments I can’t bare to live without. I know that SAS must end but I truly see this as the beginning- as a new chapter or the continuation of my story. I just wish the main characters could continue with me.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Aloha O'ahu!

Woken up at 6:00am, the loud speaker blared a rock and roll tune of “Living In America” as we pulled into the Aloha Tower Port. We were up early to have our face to face inspection with customs and then the day was ours. Bathing suits, tanning lotion, fully charged cell phones (yesss service!)- we got off the ship and onto “The Bus” to get to downtown Honolulu and Waikiki beach. First stop: Starbucks of course and the ABC store- famous in Hawaii and literally on every corner- to get some chocolate covered macadamia nuts (a Hawaiian necessity) and floaties for the water.

The 21+ kids started their morning off at a little tiki lounge restaurant with Mai Tais while myself and 3 others slurped iced coffee. Beach Boy’s greatest hits hummed in the background but we could still hear the crashing waves near by. After breakfast, we anxiously hurried across the street to claim prime real estate on the waterfront. I enjoyed making a myriad of phone calls- everyone started off with “wow I haven’t seen your name on my caller ID in so long!” and just hearing their voices made the perfect day even better.

We laid out, played in the waves, and left the beach by late afternoon with a new golden glow (some a pinkish/red…). Three of my friends decided getting a tattoo would be their next best move. With a local guiding us through the peaceful streets, we came into your standard tattoo parlor and the artist greeted his new clients. While the three of them got inked, Abby and I strolled the streets cracking open oysters searching for pearls, stopping in all the cute beach shops and pretending we could actually afford all the styles and tried to actually wrap our heads around the idea of being back in America. After not being in the US for over 3 months, we still considered everything and everyone foreign. Classic comments such as “oh they speak our language” and “what’s that in US currency?” revealed our embarrassing naïve side. We actually turned down cabs because their high prices couldn’t be bargained (once you get $1 rides in Vietnam- a $10 journey to downtown just doesn’t seem right). For our first US port, Hawaii was quite the exception to the rule. Everyone walks around in bathing suits and no shoes- the stunning heat soaks out all the stress and people are left in complete harmony and peace. Jamming Bob Marley live music promoted on the streets and beautiful, bright hibiscus flowers resting along the sidewalks- I see why people pack it all up and move to such an oasis.

We rode the overcrowded bus back to the ship, showered and took that expensive cab ride to La Cucaracha, an authentic Mexican restaurant that finally filled our dreams of chips, queso and guacamole. The 10 of us took over the back of the room and had to explain why we were so excited to see, smell Mexican cuisine. Not another word was said as the waitress delivered bottomless baskets of chips and margaritas to our starving group. I felt the curse (again) of being under 21- for the last 3 months there have been no restrictions but now we sat at the end of the table secluded from the rest of our friends.

Our dinner concluded and I felt as though I had grown a small nino inside of me but we needed that- comfort food and food that was especially made for us and not 800 passengers. The evening poured into the streets of Waikiki with many tourists and SASers to be found. Some ventured off into local bars while others took walks along the beach and even swam in the Pacific. Our night ended just as family and friends from the mainland called to greet us good morning. Again with these time differences…

Our second and last day in Hawaii started off a little slower but we were off the ship by 10am. A few friends went off hiking but Abby, Anna and I met Gaylen by the bus as she returned from a morning of skydiving over the ocean. We did a similar routine of Starbucks and hit up the beachfront to work on our tans- again. We had lunch at the fabulous Cheeseburger In Paradise- even had yet another hot dog- and did some window shopping along the main drag. By 5pm, we were burned and drained. With an hour till dock time, we boarded the ship and made those last minute phone calls. We had dinner on the ship and went onto deck 7 to watch the sunset. The boys were all in the pool and thought it would be a great idea to throw us all in even though we were fully clothed, had cameras, phones and were grabbing onto dear life as they yanked us and individually dropped us in the pool. Well, fortunately I escaped by running in circles and slipping down the stairs but still got a little wet from the enormous puddles and everyone else that was soaking. The crew was quick to yell at us and began writing the boys up but it was still a great way to end our little Hawaiian vacation.

It was different and unusual to be back in America and have all the privileges and commodities that we left behind so long ago. Having a cell phone was nice but whenever we were on the ship, everyone was on the phone. In line for breakfast, outside at dinner, in the hallways, and all around port- I forgot how nice it is to just be secluded and not have my phone on me at all times. Yet it was so awesome to finally talk to my friends and family. I guess you can’t have it all.

We’ve got 8 days to Guatemala (people seem to forget we are going there) and only 15 days left. I honestly cannot believe it. I can’t believe that after this week I’ll be done with classes and basically school but then just after that I’m done with the program. I’ll be making these last 2 weeks the best and spending every moment soaking up time on the ship with my friends, the beauty surrounding us on the Pacific and of course the shining sun that I truly can never get enough of.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Jetting In Japan

Japan is fast moving, technologically advanced, bursting with culture, thrives off entertainment, consists of the sweetest, most helpful people and of course serves the best sushi I’ve ever had in my life. These past 5 days have been a test of true traveling and by a miracle- we made it.

Our first day was spent in Kobe. It took quite awhile to get off the ship due to our face-to-face inspection, fingerprints and temperature check but when we disembarked, we got on the subway heading for downtown. Right off the bat, we missed our stop and ended up taking the more scenic route before reaching our destination. I’ve never experienced such a language barrier (worse than my post about Morocco…) but I got lost in the chaos and grew to love it. We were on a mission to get our train/bus tickets but finding the bus station was more complicated than anticipated. With my great acting skills, we were able to show locals where we needed to go and boy were we surprised to find out we had walked around for 3 hours and the whole time the station was just outside the subway. Later in the afternoon, we dipped our toes into some Japanese entertainment at an 11 story bowling alley and arcade. Courtney and Anna tried sushi for the first time in their lives and I tried for the first time since breaking the vegetarian lifestyle. Honestly what was I doing not eating sushi? We headed back to the ship and got ready for the night- a bar downtown was throwing a SAS party and a Jamaican club nearby promised that Japanese nightlife we had been awaiting. On our way, of course, we got lost but a very kind Japanese pilot with a huge smile offered to personally walk us all the way there. That’s one thing I’ve really learned in Japan- they totally accommodate and help the tourists out. Back home I get easily annoyed but the people that helped us made our days and traveling so much easier.

The next morning we woke up early and Abby, Anna, Courtney, Gaylen, Amanda, Jessica and I took a train to Kyoto to begin our adventure. We stopped at one of the hundreds of vending machines- they not only offer soda but beer and hot coffee all for just $1. We arrived at the Kyoto Train Station- our home for the next 15 hours- locked up our bags and hopped on the first bus we found. We got off in search for the cherry blossoms that were blooming throughout the city. We wandered into a market where sweet smells filled the air and landed in a park covered with blossoms and people. We bought chocolate covered frozen bananas and sat on a bridge soaking up the sun and people watching around us. It was like farmers market on a hot summer day. Couples were sitting on blankets nibbling on packed picnics, children ran after the waddling ducks and the 7 of us gazed into all the surrounding beauty. When the sun began to set and our stomachs began to rumble, we ventured home to the train station and met our dinner reservations for sushi. More fabulous, extraordinary cuisine- fatty tuna rolls, tofu, salmon- everything we tried was better than the last. We stayed in the restaurant till closing and slowly moved our completely filled bodies outside to wait for our midnight bus. We boarded the double decker by midnight and tried to get cozy for our 7 hour ride to Tokyo. It was a great experience to travel by backpack, spend the entire day outside with no real destination but we needed sleep. However, due to snoring and frequent stops, we never got the much needed REM and before we knew it, the sun was rising and Tokyo was in clear view.

Living out of a train station was rather easy in Japan. The bathrooms were actually luxurious compared to anything I’ve ever seen in the states. The toilet seats are warmed and actually play calming music while you use the facilities, everything is automatic and the water was even safe to brush my teeth with. With some expensive Starbucks coffee in our veins, we began our next mission: find our hostel. First we bought subway day passes- greatest investment because we kept getting lost and taking the wrong routes. Finally we crawled out of the subway and were in Jimbocho. Our hostel was different from previous ones- meaning one shower and bathroom for the entire floor and multiple bunk beds but honestly we weren’t there to sleep. We dropped off our backpacks, found another subway line and decided it would be best if we went to the most magical place in Asia… Tokyo Disneyland. We met a few first timers on the train with Minnie Mouse ears and red polka dot dresses but I think we were more excited than the 2 year olds when the magical castle came into view. Suddenly the lack of sleep didn’t matter and we sprinted to the park riding and viewing every attraction available. I remember my first trip to Disneyland in the 4th grade with my dad- just the two of us- riding Space Mountain, Thunder Railroad, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Haunted Mansion and of course Splash Mountain. It brought me back to being a kid again and it didn’t feel like I was thousands of miles and 18 hours ahead of home. By dusk, the energy was at an all time low but we got more vending machine coffee and took more transfers and subways back to our hostel. The two hour nap might have made me more tired but the thought of sushi and dire hunger fixed that right up. We went to our first conveyor belt sushi restaurant and I honestly cannot say I have ever eaten as well and as cheap. The plates just go around and are arranged by color; you determine the price by the color and just eat away. For less than $10, I had miso soup, more salmon, nari, squid, and the best hand roll prawn salad ever. I think I actually ate 4 but our motto was no judging and so I devoured every last bite. After dinner, we scrambled onto another subway and arrived in Roppongi- home of Tokyo’s infamous nightlife. With the help of a few locals, we found a classy karaoke bar and I made my debut. My opening song, as if I need to really say, was Hilary Duff’s “Wake Up” because it mentions Tokyo. The girls now have the best blackmail of me ever… but singing karaoke was on my list of things to do and why not do it in Tokyo?

Day four- before heading to Yokohama, we strolled along Harajuku Street- the rumored inspiration of Gwen Steffani’s clothing line. I’m beyond impressed with the Japanese fashion- who knew you could mix polka dots, stripes and flannel and still call it style? Tempted by the shopping, we got on a train to Yokohama before we spent anymore money. Yokohama is quite the tourist and shipping/nautical town. Anchors and sailboats fill the atmosphere and the baseball stadium seemed to be the center of attraction. We found the ship (it had sailed from Kobe), dropped off our backpacks and made our way to the Yokohama Bay Stars vs. Giants game (who surprisingly have the same SF Giants colors). The baseball field was much smaller than anything in the states- balls were flying into the stadium and one even hit the row of chairs we were in- sending an uncomfortable vibration and wake up call to pay attention at all times. We were told the fans were more entertaining than the players and the rumor was true. Fans chant, wave obnoxiously large flags, bang sticks and anything together to create loud noise. I supported my new Yokohama Tee but really had no idea who was playing or what was going on. The sun set and I enjoyed yet another hotdog as we celebrated the Bay Stars victory.

Our final day in Japan I spent in Chinatown- ironic but felt necessary. I walked around first with Courtney and Anna but then felt a desire to just sit and be with myself- something not experienced in a long time. I sat out by the pier, people watched, sipped hot coffee and wrote away in my journal. Already exhausted, the sun burned my sleepy eyes but I really began to reflect on these past few months. I never knew time could fly by so fast and it seems that life is the best when it moves that quickly but that just doesn’t seem fair.

We have 9 days till Hawaii and it’s time to buckle down for school. We have all our final projects and tests within these next 2 weeks but for the first time I’m not scared or nervous as I head into finals. I’ve learned more in this semester than any past year of my life. Whether I can be accurately tested with a 100pt scantron on the material… I don’t know. But isn’t learning about taking what you have and applying it? Who needs the facts when I have the experience? As I sit in my cabin about to head to the 7th deck for some sunshine, there is nothing but golden blue waves crashing out my window. There’s comfort in each sway of the ship. For the first time on the voyage, we’re actually heading home- no longer escaping and moving east but rather shifting and heading back. We are 18 hours ahead of CA but we cross the International Dateline tomorrow- we have Easter Sunday twice and even though I can’t spend either of them with my family, I feel like I’m in the perfect place. This ship that has become “home”- just a large cruise vessel that promised exciting adventures, new opportunities and the experience of a lifetime. It has given me really so much more.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

China and All Its Wonder

Ni hao from China! We arrived in Hong Kong just as the fog began to burn off and we had a clear view of the city. Little did we know, we docked attached to a mall- our first sign that China would be much more modern than our previous ports. Heidi, Courtney, Anna, Gaylen, Abby and I got off the ship and headed right to Starbucks- it warmed our bodies that were used to 100* weather and were now dumped into 30* (and of course fulfilled that caffeine addiction I haven’t fed since Spain…)

Hong Kong was full of bright lights, excessively large billboards, bustling cars and more people than the tiny sidewalks could hold. We headed into one of the local parks and hiked up to get a better view. At the bottom, we hailed a cab to the women’s market- somewhere that promised those cheap, fake purses we’ve been dying to find. After two hours of bargaining and literally being pulled into local shops, we were full on gadgets and souvenirs but starving for some real cuisine. Walking through the streets reminded me of strolling through San Francisco or really any big city- flashing lights offering hourly hotels, D&G, Coach, True Religions- any brand, any style, Hong Kong had it. With this big city feeling, we ditched the authentic Chinese food and landed in a Pizza Hut. Now in the states, Pizza Hut is fast food but in China (and India…) Pizza Hut is a sit down, low lit, wine pouring venue that offered some of the classiest pizza I’ve ever eaten. After lunch, we toured more of the city and headed back to the ship to drop off our bags and freshen up before heading out for happy hour- a tradition highly participated in by most locals.

The Rugby Seven Series was in town and the 3rd and final game of Fiji vs. South Africa was on at Bulldog- a sort of dive bar yet had expensive drinks. Not understanding anything about the sport, we didn’t last long before heading back to the dock to watch the light show. Hong Kong is sort of like an island and on the opposite side, when the sky turns pitch, the city lights explode and lazars shoot out. We took a small ferry to the other side of the island just as the light show was ending and made our way to Lan Kwai Fong, a street right outside the rugby stadium. The street was bursting with fans decked in costume (everything from Ronald McDonald to 3 Men in a Tub) and SAS students everywhere. It was exactly what I picture Mardi Gras like- dancing, signing, flashing lights, yelling, cheering, making new friends all along one street. We headed back to catch the last ferry but before entering the closed mall to get on the ship, we ran into the South African rugby players outside the local McCafe (aka a fancy McDonalds). Full of some unknown confidence, I walked over and introduced myself to 5 of the players. Courtney, Abby, Gaylen and I got a crash course in how the sport works, how Paul, one of the players, had broken all his ribs and was thus on crutches, how they get to travel around the world and how they really don’t like Americans- surprisingly they were the first group of people I’ve met abroad that openly told us that. After treating them like celebrities and asking more questions that needed, we headed back onto the ship, packed, and 2 hours later met in the Union for our trip to Beijing.

Running on no sleep, Anna, Abby and I headed on our SAS trip- we flew from Hong Kong to Beijing and made our first stop at a traditional Chinese restaurant for lunch. Buffet style with endless noodles and tea, we filled up and walked out in the cold (30*) and into the Summer Palace. Michael- the sweetest, most silly guide I’ve had, led our group of 50 onto a dragon boat and across the lake to walk around the Palace. The Palace was beautiful, set in cheery blossom trees and ornate red paintings along the walls. As we strolled along the waterfront, we felt the warmth of springtime beaming from the gardens surrounding the Palace even though we were shivering in the cold. We got on the bus to our hotel just as my fingers were turning blue and numb. Anna, Abby and I shared a room by rearranging the queen sized beds by pushing them together and removing the nightstand that almost seemed glued to the wall. We had a quick moment to freshen up and then met back in the lobby to head out for our famous Beijing duck dinner. We actually watched them skin and cook a duck- cut it into little pieces, put on a small plate and served upon our ‘Lazy Susan; (which is by far one of the greatest inventions and are at every restaurant in Beijing). Needless to say, the Lazy Susan was spun multiple times but the fresh duck was passed. We returned to the hotel, exhausted, and crashed our heads onto our pillows made of sand (Chinese tradition but rather uncomfortable…)

Apparently there were two breakfast restaurants within the hotel (Chinese and American style) but we didn’t know this; however, it clearly explains why breakfast was bigger than dinner and offered multiple meats, noodles and fried rice. We got on the bus and began our two hour drive to… The Great Wall of China!!!!! I have wanted to visit the GW (my new, unoriginal nickname) for as long as I can remember. It just seemed like such an unreal landmark and something that I absolutely needed to see to believe. Finally when we arrived at the Mutianyu section, the sky was dark, cloudy and the wind blew quite the chill factor. We bought much needed gloves and panda hats as we began our hike up the wall. When we reached the top (which seemed like it would never come), it was like standing on top of the world. Looking in every direction and seeing this road extend far beyond eyesight. 4,000 miles and yet every direction looked different. Every time I walked a little more, I could turn around and have a whole new view of China. As we reached one of the towers to sit and enjoy a picnic lunch, snowflakes began to fall and the trees around us turned into a Christmas setting. It was one of those moments- such clarity, such freedom, fresh air and extreme happiness. I even got to fly a kite (yay Theta) and meet more Americans who had traveled the distance to experience the moment. We stayed on the GW for almost 4 hours but truly I could have stayed more.

We took the bus back into Beijing and stopped at the Bird’s Nest and Water Cube- China definitely still have the Olympics fever. Unfortunately the both sites were closing when we got there so we weren’t able to go inside but I still freaked knowing Michael Phelps had stood right there and the entire atmosphere was inspiring. Such a small, congested area was packed only months ago while so many records were broken and so many dreams came true. We returned to the hotel for a free evening so a group of us girls headed to the infamous Pearl Market- a trap for tourists and their wallets. However, my bargaining skills are at an all time high but it is safe to say if you have a need or want for designer (fake) purses or wallets- I’m your girl.

Our third day was filled with multiple tours and traveling throughout Beijing. We visited the symbol of Beijing (the Tianamen Square/Forbidden Palace), had another yummy, authentic Chinese meal (with the fabulous Lazy Susans), took a traditional tea class and learned how to actually drink/sip your tea and perform the proper smelling/tasting etiquette, and then wondered upon one of the most magical sub-cities I’ve ever seen. We got on trishaws- a bicycle that pulls a buggy, and toured the tiny town of Houhai. Our guide even let me ride the bike but after a few near crashes, I returned to the buggy with Abby. We rode through the city as if we were ghosts and no one could see us; children played in the streets, men came home from work, people rode bicycles up and down the narrow lanes, and there were endless small coffee shops that looked straight out of a fairytale book. We stopped at a home and were able to go inside and see an artist paint different Chinese characters on the ground and make cutouts of Chinese landmarks. Unable to speak the same language, we were all still able to admire and enjoy his work. The Chinese characters are so intricate and detailed; each line, swirl and stroke represents something different and contains more value. After a Chinese dinner at a fish restaurant, we ended our night at a typical Chinese acrobatic show. I’m not even sure how to accurately describe what we saw (which is why I took video) but let’s just say there were life sized hamster ball cages with men jumping rope on them as they rotated, 12 women riding 1 bike, a man balancing on a see-saw board with two women hanging on top of him with another man on top of them balancing on a different see-saw and catching cups on his head as another man below threw them up and finally one man lifting two smaller men with his legs- literally using one leg to lift an entire human around. Hopefully I can show you the footage to give you a better understanding of these impossible movements that were somehow made possible.

Our last day in Beijing began at the Temple of Heaven- an outdoor park that brings in the older generations. All throughout the park were the seniors performing martial arts, ballroom dancing, singing, playing harmonicas and even hacky-sack. It is apparently their morning rituals- they all get up and spend the morning together as community. Seems like the best way to stay young, hang out with your friends and dance with your partner. We headed back to Pearl Market and this time I bought myself the greatest gift (something I have needed much earlier on this voyage) a warm, multi use North Face raincoat/fleece. I’ve never owned a raincoat and usually just suffer in the cold but for such a low bargaining price it became the best knockoff purchase yet. We made our last stop at the Lama Temple, home of the biggest Buddha in Beijing, and also happens to be a monastery. The air was filled with incense as others prayed to the various Buddha statues and lit 3 sticks to properly show respect. We arrived at the Beijing airport and went through the strictest security I’ve ever seen- they took my toothpaste… and boarded our 2 hour flight to Shanghai.

The ship had sailed for 2 days from Hong Kong while we were off traveling so it was exciting to see the MV Explorer radiate Christmas lights and rest in the harbor as the backdrop of the city let off an inviting glow. We were on the ship by 9:30pm, unpacked, changed and off by 10:00 to experience the Shanghai nightlife.

With only one day in Shanghai and the skies completely overcast, we set off by foot and saw as much of the city as possible. Walking through back roads, passing by some of the largest skyscrapers in the world (Shanghai holds the record for both 3rd and 4th place), eating extremely spicy (so hot my eyes were watering, face beat red and actually sweating) Chinese cuisine and finally returning back to the ship to watch us pull out of port and begin sailing to Japan.

China was truly an extraordinary 6 days. Something about not being able to read any of the signs made me really feel like I was traveling- like I was far away in a whole new world. It was nice to be in cold weather and big cities. Visiting three major cities was actually so fortunate because I really got to see different cultures and norms- especially since Hong Kong is a SAR (special admin region) and using the term ‘mainland China’ had never been in my vocabulary. As I said, hiking along the GW was something unforgettable and definitely a highlight of my entire SAS voyage.

I can’t believe we are already heading into Japan- our last stop before a 9 day leg into Hawaii. How is it already April? I just had to register for my senior year classes and it was like taking a blow to the heart- only one more year in Boulder? Only one more month of SAS? Our lives have been moving unbelievably fast- port for 5 days, at sea for 2, 6 days at port, and 2 at sea and so on. I just can’t think about it but rather live it. Unfortunately time is going to pass either way…

Friday, March 27, 2009

Good Morning Vietnam!

I had high hopes for Vietnam (sometimes spelt Viet Nam...) It was one of the ports that truly made me choose SAS and after spending just 5 days here, I can tell you it met and surpassed every expectation I had. I spent the first day wandering the city of Ho Chi Minh, formerly Siagon, getting measured for handmade dresses, finding wonderful souvenirs for my family and friends and dodging the intense markets whenever possible. With everything being just one or two US dollars, it was easy to support the Vietnam economy.

Day two Abby and I set out for our history lesson. We left the ship at 7:00am and drove two hours to explore the Cu Chi Tunnels. The area had mock up tool making, cooking, housing and other various sites that resembled what it looked like during the war. We saw the now over grown locations of where bombs had exploded and destroyed both the land and people. It was hard to believe it wasn’t that long ago that soldiers were crawling in and out of the tunnels trying to save themselves. They were so clever; they stole American soldier soap so that their smell wouldn’t appear foreign and only cooked in the morning when the fog was low so that smoke wouldn’t linger over the tunnels. We had the chance to crawl through one of the tunnels- the first level because as you got lower they were so small that not even our legs could fit. We were crawling and hunched over just to make it through the winding, narrow path. After we left the tunnels, Abby and I took a motorcycle ride to the War Remnants Museum on the other side of Ho Chi Minh. It was blazing, boiling hot, the humidity reached far beyond anything I have ever experience but as I walked through the museum and read disappointing quotes and viewed the horrifying images, my body got the chills. To be honest, I never knew much about the Vietnam War it was interesting to learn about it from the other side. I can’t imagine the protests that took place back in the states or the people that came to Vietnam to fight. It left me feeling out of place and worried about what the future generations will do about the current situation the US is in.

On our third day, Abby and I left around 6:30am for our SAS trip to Cat Tien National Park, just a 5 hour bus ride away. We took a small boat across the Dong Nai River and into the park headquarters. Our accommodations were a lot like camping and reminded me of being up at the shack in Montana. There was no warm water, our mattresses were concrete, the electricity only turned on during certain portions of the day and the bugs and animals were not shy to pop out at any given time. On our first day, we took a ride through the park looking at the lush vegetation from our open roofed truck. We took a small boat back along the river and saw various birds and learned about the flora and fauna in the area. Riding in the boat brought me instantly to memories of summertime out on Lexi’s boat with her family. Just cruising in the open water, the air so hot you can’t breathe but really getting away from it all. A few of us lay in wicker hammocks and listened to the obnoxiously loud yet calming noises of the wildlife close by. By dusk, we were fortunate to experience a few rain showers and we all danced in the paths celebrating the cool off we were dying for. After dinner, we took another ride out into the park to view the wild deer, boar and nocturnal animals. I couldn’t keep my eyes off the stars- it was so clear and it seemed every star in the galaxy was just popping out. Not even the feasting mosquitoes could ruin the perfect atmosphere.

We spent the next day hiking throughout the rain forest and into Crocodile Lake. Since it had rained a little, we were worried about the leaches so we had to wear these big, sock-like protectors over our legs and rub sticky ointment over them. On our hike, our guide Trong showed us the various species that rest inside and we were surrounded by the insect noises and fluttering of butterflies. The 10K hike seemed to go by fast since it was so hot- my mind just went into a daze and I couldn’t even feel my legs moving. By the time we reached the lake, our clothes were drenched in sweat but we were greeted with a freshly-cooked Vietnamese meal that served the best pineapple I’ve ever had. We sat on the floor of the wooden deck that over looked the lake and enjoyed veggies, noodles, lots of tofu and hot tea. Our hike back seemed quicker yet hotter- the humidity reached 86% and the temperature was over 100*F. I just lost myself in memories of hiking in Montana or the smells of a humid night on Noni and Papa’s deck in Tapatio. I just pictured myself there and in my heated daze it actually felt like I was. We returned to the headquarters and chugged water to replenish ourselves.

On our last day, we started the morning off with a hike into the bamboo thickets to Ben Cu rapids. Again memories of Montana filled my mind- just sitting by the river listening to the rustling sound and losing yourself in complete peace. On our hike back, we stopped beneath the trees where locals were cutting and working with the bamboo. I stood in awe just admiring their hand work; they worked like machines and their hands had such a consistent, constant flow. It was beautiful and reminded me how much we can do just with our hands. Before lunch, we had free time to roam the park. I stumbled upon a bear rehabilitation area- there were 19 bears that had been rescued and were being training to be put back into the wild. Some of the bears had been so thrown out of nature that they were afraid of fish. I met a Scottish woman who had just moved there in January to volunteer and help assist the bears. She was honored the park had asked her to stay longer as the bears worked towards being released. I hope that when I’m older I have that drive and that passion for something. That I can just pick up my life, move, volunteer and do something for the good of the world. Whether it’s with bears, humans, nature or what- I just hope I’m open for all that comes my way.

We arrived back into Ho Chi Minh City by dusk and had a BBQ dinner on the ship (yes hotdogs!) We had the night free and didn’t set sail until early this morning. Sailing through the Siagon River is unlike anything I’ve seen; it is extremely narrow and there are rice mounds, small boats, big boats and just people paddling though. They waved as our huge MV Explorer made wakes and pushed through to head back out into the South China Sea.

Vietnam was definitely one of my favorite ports that we have visited- I loved being out in the wild even though it was deathly hot and I didn’t shower for 3 days… I ate the best food, traveled lightly and experienced everything that came my way. Although it was dangerous, driving through the city on the back of a motorcycle flying through the busy streets of Ho Chi Minh was a blast- my hair flew in the wind and I felt like I was absorbing it all in. It was emotional visiting the war cites and important to keep in mind how both American and Vietnamese were being portrayed but it has struck my curiosity to keep learning- similar to Thailand.

Someone told me recently that they can tell I’m growing up. It was the best compliment I’ve gotten in a long time and I actually agree with him. Somewhere between this voyage once described as a cruise and the academics once considered minimal- I’m actually growing up and changing more than I ever thought.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Take Me Away Thailand

This is definitely a country I want to return to- Thailand, at first, was not what I expected. Just coming from India, I was shocked at how developed and modern it is. I spent the first day in Pattaya at an elephant village. We rode bareback and that was another shocking experience- we sat on their heads and held on to whatever spare skin we could. They have stubbly hair on the heads, their trucks are sticky like honey but are the sweetest animals. I felt bad stepping and pulling on their ears as I climbed on top but tried to just go along with it and enjoy the awkward experience.

Courtney and I went on a SAS trip to visit the River Kwai, Ayuthaya and Bangkok for 4 days. With Billy Idol’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire” stuck in my head, we ventured by an old fashioned train into central Thailand. Filled with crops, green grass, straw huts and flowing rivers- this was the Thailand I had pictured. The rivers, both the large and small Kwai, were gorgeous. We rode in canoes down an unreal setting with calm waters, small, straw house boats, the mountains in the foreground and clear blue skies above us. During the 4 days, I had never been as hot in my life. It was 100* and 68% humidity. I didn’t even know that was possible- the air was still and drenched our clothes in sweat but regardless it was phenomenal.

We visited WWII sites like the Cemetery of the Allied Prisoners, JEATH Museum and all along the Death Railway. Realizing how little I actually know about our historical past was disappointing but I was fascinated by everything we saw and definitely want to keep learning. We went to Thai temples where past Queens have stayed or where live peace offerings were occurring. We climbed to the tops of brick remains from temples and stood next to a variety of Buddhas including the “Reclining Buddha.” The religion is extremely prominent and so much respect is constantly paid to the Buddha.

Bangkok was busting with traffic, markets, people and life. Supposedly it’s the city with the worse traffic in the world and I could not agree more. We walked through the streets with vendors selling food that looked absolutely delicious but promised an upset stomach so we passed. We had two massages during our visit: the first was a traditional Thai that basically kneaded out every muscle in my body and left me sore and unable to walk for the rest of the night. The next night I tried a more relaxed massage with oil and it just happened to be the best thing I’ve ever done (and was so cheap I felt bad.) Maybe it’s because my bruises from the previous massage were forming or my body was tired from the heat, the massage was like dying for an hour and being in complete Thailand heaven. It’s something you must do when venturing to this amazing country.

On our last day in Bangkok, we met up with Abby and Anna who had been in Phuket for the past few days. The four of us stayed in an unbelievably nice hotel that overlooked the river that runs through Bangkok. We met up with Kelly later that evening because her mom and sister had flown in for part of the parent’s visit. Kelly’s mom was extremely kind and took us to a fabulous meal at Bennihana where I think we ate the most we have since leaving the US. I had wonderful tofu, miso soup, fresh salad, veggies, spinach and I even took a bite of Anna’s shrimp. We took a small boat down the river after dinner back to our hotel. From there we had an interesting taste of Thailand nightlife- very different from anything I’ve seen and the best way to describe it might be what I imagine Vegas to be like…

Overall Thailand was absolutely amazing. I loved every second of if; I love seeing the country side and getting a historical sense but also venturing to the city and seeing the booming culture. The food reminded me of our favorite restaurant Anita’s Kitchen in San Rafael where we used to celebrate every birthday or family gathering. The people are so kind and caring- they love their country. I felt so safe here and that I didn’t have to worry about anything. I can’t wait to come back and visit more parts of the country- I’d love to see Northern Thailand and Phuket. And next time I come back I can only hope my family will be with me to enjoy it all.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Incredible India

Where to begin writing about a country that has flipped my life upside down? Are there even words? Probably- but these days words aren’t doing these experiences and emotions any justice. Yet that’s the challenge of a writer- to find the words we thought were impossible to describe the feelings we thought were unexplainable.

India came at the point in the voyage where I’m yearning for some family love. Where I’m desperately missing the Valentinos and my extended family that stretches from a book company in San Francisco to the land of Boulder to deep in the heart of Texas. I know they never said it would be easy to go without communication but they also never said it would feel like I was suffocating without them.

So I entered India with my heart on the rocks; gave myself the “I’m traveling the world, being independent, obtaining self confidence through my growth (i.e. read the last blog…)” speech. I got off the ship in Chennai and went on an independent trip with 80 other students; thought we would save money and experience the magical land of India on our own. You have no idea how hard it is to travel in a group of 80 and not know anyone and be in a country where you can’t read 50% of the signs and are constantly in fear of being robbed, eaten by malaria, dying from traveler’s diarrhea or simply being run over by a rickshaw taxi. But somewhere in the chaos, somewhere in making new friends and somewhere in traveling across and throughout the country India overtook me.

In 5 days, we traveled to Dehli, Agra, Jaipur and back to Chennia. From 6 hour plane rides to 7 hour bus rides we got to see the insides and outs. We toured forts, ate straight up authentic Indian cuisine, stayed in run-down probably highly dangerous hotels, fought off street vendors, bought ravishing jewelry and scarves from others, sat abroad an elephant as we climbed a mountain, rode in a rickshaw taxi for 45 minutes just to find a Pizza Hut, experienced the cities prepare for the Elephant Festival so we danced and had multi colored dust paint thrown everywhere, and of course stood in awe as we watched the sunrise in front of the Taj Mahal. Chaos is the best way to describe it all; no sleep, dangerous food, constant honking of car horns and wondering how people drive and don’t cause multiple accidents, dodging taxis, bicycles, motorcycles, cattle and busses just to cross the street and just trying to soak it all in- soak in the foreign smells, tastes and lifestyles.

Clearly the Taj deserves an explanation and praise because I honestly feel like its lacking some. I researched the Taj before going- discovered the eternal love Jahan felt for Mumtaz Mahal and seriously wished someone loved me enough to create a perfectly symmetrical, detailed, smooth painting like shrine for me. You can’t help but feel closer to eternal love as you walk through the gates that read “O Soul, thou art at rest returning to the Lord at Peace with him, and He at peace with you.” The photographs of the Taj look phenomenal but wait till you see it with your own eyes and not some Kodak lens. Every piece, every structure, every line was created carefully with Mumtaz in mind. I said the Taj deserves praise because the saddest part of the day was watching how disrespectful some visitors were. It clearly says no photography yet some people were flashing away at the tombs and marble- why do we need pictures of everything? In every mosque we visited, out of respect we took our shoes off but at the Taj we just covered them with thin linen. Something so beautiful and powerful and such a wonder and people were overlooking the historical magic that was created. It deserves a ‘7 wonder of the world’ title and I hope that when you go to see it, you embrace it like I did and respect its value and virtue.

Have you seen Slumdog Millionaire? See it. Now. And then continue reading. The movie does an amazing depiction of India. The slums are heartbreaking; the streets are covered with everything from bacteria infested feces to cattle to plastic to children begging for food and rupee. We saw children that had tumors on the backs of the heads, adults that were crawling or rolling on the ground because they didn’t have legs/arms/ anything. Babies crying out for food, mother are holding their hands for donations and everything inside me began to break. How does this world exist simultaneously as the rest of the world is bumping and booming? How are the other ‘third world countries’ (not sure what the politically correct way of saying that is these days) viewed as being hopeful and on the rise out of poverty but India seems to be staying the same? We were overwhelmed- do you give as much rupee as you can to everyone you see? Do you not eat so the woman and her baby on the street can? I still don’t have the answers.

Before arriving in India, my heart was on the verge of crashing. Showing signs of homesickness, I was fearing going off on this independent trip and being able to enjoy it all while secretly my mind was elsewhere. My heart broke all together at first- how could it not? But I just had to let myself go and let it all happen otherwise I think you would go insane. Being back on the ship and reflecting with everyone else is making a lot more sense and it’s nice to see we are not alone. Everyone is asking the same questions and feeling the same overwhelming emotions but I guess that’s what happens as you travel to unknown areas.

We are onto Singapore for refueling and Thailand on Sunday morning. I’m now going places I’ve only dreamed of and the voyage seems to be taking a new turn and I like it. I still miss you all at home and if you’re ever feeling adventurous… we can receive cards and packages (I thought it was too risky so I never gave out the info but now that everyone keeps getting mail at ports I regret spreading that information…) If you go to and under the “this voyage” tab there’s a section on keeping in touch and says where and when to send a note. Not that I’m expecting anything just thought I’d throw that information out :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mauritius- French for Reflections

We only spent 12 hours on the island of Mauritius and I think rather than blog about my ‘Spring Break in February,’ I thought I’d take the time to write about all the changes I’m experiencing.

Semester At Sea is often described as a big party, people call it kindergarten at sea or a cruise but they always say it will change your life. It will change everything you know and even yourself. We are only a month and a half deep and I can already feel my life alternating.

I used to pass on lot of opportunities; I’m very good at making excuses even if it’s something I kind of want to do. I often say I’m too tired, too busy with school or that I have something better to do with my time. But as I travel the world, I am clearly seeing the possibilities are beyond endless. We find ourselves saying “you’re only in Namibia once!” or “When in South Africa…” or other clichés that serve as excuses to do something. But why don’t those apply in my normal life back on land? Why do I constantly feel like I’ll always have another chance to try something when the opportunity is knocking?

Boulder used to feel far away from home. I thought I had made a big jump by going out of state to college; I was becoming an individual and really independent. But I could still call home anytime I wanted and if anything ever happened, there were hundreds of people to help or assist me. Now, being currently 13.5 hours (yes we moved ½ of an hour during a time change…) I have never felt more independent and free in my life. Sometime it’s scary; sometimes I want nothing more than to call my parents, siblings, family and friends and just hear their voices. I want to tell them everything that is going on in my life- but I can’t. One of my New Year resolutions was to grow more by myself- not to call Keeley every time my world crashed or my dad every time I hit a bump in the road. Fortunately there haven’t been any crises but in a weak moment or strong, I can’t rely on anyone but myself and the passengers of the MV Explorer. I finally feel like a big girl and that maybe, just maybe I’m becoming a real adult.

We had the Sea Olympics yesterday- each deck is divided into 10 seas and we had an all day competition of relays, races, games and tournaments. I’m in the Red Sea- we were decked out in our color, chanted our home made cheers and even wore war paint during opening ceremonies. Each sea played hard and worked a team- I’ve never seen so much spirit, energy, passion and fun- and that’s saying a lot since I’m in the Greek System at school. Somehow I signed up for the synchronized swimming team- I don’t even know how to swim. I taught myself in our Bakersfield backyard and I’m beyond nervous to become lifeguard certified this summer. But I did it- I even helped choreograph our routine and in the final competition of the day, I danced, swam and cheered (and in a bathing suit) for my team. We won 3rd place and that score brought us to win 2nd place in the Sea Olympics. Of course I was scared and nervous but I didn’t let that stop me. I just did it and I will remember that, my team and the courage I found for the rest of my life. It was one of those “why not?” moments- I didn’t let my other friends, who were too scared/embarrassed to stand out, hold me back.

That’s been another big growing step- I came abroad knowing over 20 students from CU and with some of my closest friends. I’ve become closer to them but I’ve also branched out and taken different paths. I’ve taken chances in meeting new people and even finding a boy that is completely different from anyone I’ve ever been interested in. He inspires me to be adventurous and to not hold back, to just be myself and live spontaneously. It’s nice to find someone who proves the rest wrong.

As Keeley knows, I used to think the world was flat. Beyond America, I thought everywhere was so foreign and different. I thought the grass was a different shade of green, the language used obscure syntax, and that the people moved on their own biological clock. How naïve. I’m really starting to see that essentially we are all the same and I mean that in a good way. I love seeing how we are all just humans living here on Earth but have created and adapted to our own ways of living. It’s amazing that you cross an ocean and you’re expected to be in a new world but really it’s just a different style of living. We come into ports and leave- we just get our feet wet and a small taste of what life is like on land. This is cheesy to say but really it makes me wonder why we just can’t all live peacefully? Rather than looking at the differences as something negative or as one being more advantageous why can’t we see that really we are all same? I really can’t describe it and there are no words that give this realization enough credit.

These epiphanies are occurring rapidly. I find them stargazing at night, having conversations with locals, meeting students from all America who saw something special in the SAS program, and in the few quiet moments I have with myself. They may seem small and minimal but they are changing me in more ways than I ever imagined. I can’t remember a time in my life where my feet have been so free- a time where my soul is so open to everything and anything, where I can do so many things and not have to worry, where I can take care of myself and where I can just truly be me.

I was always told Semester At Sea would change me. I already feel like I’ve made life changing transformations and I’m anxious to keep learning, to keep traveling, and to keep smiling as I continue this once in a lifetime journey.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This Is Africa

South Africa has taken quiet the toll on my wallet and my life but my adventures here were well worth every extreme moment. Cape Town was a vacation and very different from previous African ports we’ve visited. Rather than enriching myself in rural culture, South Africa was modern filled with clubs, shopping, tourists sights and delicious food.

Rumor held that coming into V&A (Victoria & Alfred) port would be our most luxurious arrival and so Heidi, Peter, Gaylen and I attempted to rough it out and sleep on the deck. By 3am we were pushed inside by intense winds, pea soup fog and a wet cold front. By 6am we were back outside and waited another two hours before being greeted by the waterfront.

When the ship was finally cleared, we walked right off and into copious amounts of shopping, seafood, and music. We enjoyed a nice seafood lunch and headed back to the ship to catch our city orientation. The CU girls and I took the 4 hour SAS tour visiting the Natural History Museum, Botanical Gardens, Castle of Good Hope and had tea and scones at a local restaurant under the trees. The Gardens were my favorite- we walked in and out of them standing under the arching trees and admiring all the locals sleeping on benches and under trees- here whenever someone is tired they just sleep out in the open sun. Later that night we went into Long Street- the infamous home of Cape Town nightlife. We started our night off at the top of a Cuban restaurant that had a bar inside a library. After sitting with books and comfy couches, we met our dinner reservation at Mama Africa- known where one can try any type of African cuisine. Greeted by friends from CU who are studying in SA, we enjoyed live music and a window view of the city bumping outside. When we finally ordered, I split the African Platter with Gaylen (she goes to CU and we never knew each other pre-SAS but now she has become one of my closest friends) anyway we were served crocodile, springbok, sausage, ostrich and kudu. Crocodile was my favorite but by the end of the meal, my face had turned white and somewhere in my protein overload and massive amounts of eating meat, I spent the rest of the night feeling extremely ill. (and it’s safe to say I don’t miss eating meat and won’t be eating it again…)

Somewhere between visiting with friends and enjoying our first night in Cape Town sleep became an unknown word and before I knew it I was off on my trip at 4:30am. I did an independent trip with 60 other SAS students to go bungy jumping and shark diving 8 hours away. I left the CU girls and any of my friends behind and branched out to do the extreme. We arrived at the Bloukrans Bridge by noon and went face to face with the world’s highest bungy jump at 750 feet. I was in the first group to go- we walked out over the wooden, open, wobbly bridge and looked down at a ravine filled with rocks, trees and a river leading west. One by one the 20 of us in the first group were strapped in and led over the ledge. Each time we cheered for everyone just as loud as the last and encouraged the ones who were suddenly too nervous to jump. Finally my turn arrived and my legs were shaking. I had done a bungy jump before but only from 200 feet and I was strapped to Abby. This time it was me and only me. The crew carry you up to the edge because your legs are strapped together- with my toes curled over the edge I looked down and wondered what the hell was I doing but with a countdown from five, one came quickly so I stretched out my arms, bent my legs and jumped into the open. Apparently I screamed the loudest but it wasn’t screams of fear but rather excitement. Dropping 100 feet a second planted the biggest smile on my face and adrenalin raced through my body as I bounced and dangled above the river. It was an unbelievable, indescribable feeling. We spent the rest of the day cheering on the next groups and watching from the pub below. We stayed in little cabins out at the bridge and had a fun night of homemade pizza, Hunters dry cider and playing endless games of ‘zumy zumy’- a game we taught the crew and staff of the pub.

4:30am rolled around quickly and we were up and off to our next extreme adventure: shark diving in Kleinbaai. We took the rough ride out to the open waters and yet again I was in the first group to dive. Four of us girls got in our diving gear and were immersed in a small, bar cage where we scrounged up and told do not under any circumstances touch the metal bars. There was styrofoam around some of the edges but had huge teeth marks from previous great white shark attacks. Suddenly I was petrified but it was too late now. The skipper and his crew tossed out the bait and even poured fish guts on us (disgusting!) and before we knew it a Great White was right in front of the cage, which was impressive since February is not shark diving season. We ended up seeing two different sharks each about 7 feet long- one whipped right past the right side of the cage exactly where I was. I can’t remember the last time I was that scarred but it was definitely an experience to remember.

We arrived back into Cape Town by sunset and I met up with Anna and Courtney (two girls from Theta at CU). I introduced them to my new friends and we all headed to dinner at the pier. More seafood and the famous fishbowls later, we went out downtown to Tiger Tiger where they played the American music we had been missing. Classic techno hits and the I-tunes top 10 were played throughout the club. We met locals, SAS kids and danced into the night.

Now running on just leftover adrenalin and excitement to explore, a few of my friends and I spent the next day at the pier and in town shopping and experiencing Cape Town. We went to the Green Market where we bargained for authentic jewelry and art work for souvenirs. We sat and talked to the vendors and heard their life stories- how the families all work together and how each painting, sculpture was made. I bought a beautiful zebra painting (my favorite animal!) that now hangs in my cabin but will for sure be heading back to Boulder for my new house.

By dusk, we returned to get dressed up for a nice dinner at Moyo- a famous Cape Town restaurant nuzzled in the wine lands where you can actually sit in the trees to eat, have your face painted and watch authentic African dance while you consume the all you can eat endless meat, veggies and African cuisine. With a reservation of over 20, we weren’t able to fit in a tree but we dined over local wine and made multiple trips to the buffet bar. For our last night in Cape Town, we went to another club downtown, Hemisphere- set at the 16th floor of a business building, the club over looked Cape Town and offered more techno and dancing. We met more locals and students studying abroad- even students studying from Ireland and Holland who were doing a 6 month internship in Cape Town. I don’t know if I would last 6 months in the fast paced, wild city.

For our last day, we went up to Table Mountain, the picturesque image of Cape Town. The tablecloth (or just fog cloud) wasn’t on and we could see the entire city rest below us. We went back to the Green Market, walked more around town and the pier and did a little shopping. Sadly I broke my camera but fortunately I was able to save all my pictures and buy a new one in one of the malls. Before embarking on the ship, I got my first hot dog (a food I had been craving ever since I became a vegetarian) and it was just a delicious as I remembered but yet again left me not feeling too hot. We all sat on the pier, listened to more live music and sadly boarded the ship.

Due to high winds, we were kept at port until early this morning and now will go around the Cape of Good Hope in pure daylight. We have our first big global studies exam tomorrow (yes hard to believe this is actually school…) so today we are all studying and yet still trying to get some sleep after our 5 day vacation in South Africa. Cape Town is the city that doesn’t sleep- Las Vegas, New York, Spain- they have nothing on this fabulous, ravishing city.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Namibia- The Unknown Wonder

When our voyage was rerouted in November, I had never heard of Namibia- where was it? Is it an island? I don’t even think I could pronounce it. Today, after spending an enriching three days in this new born nation, I can say it is by far my favorite country I’ve been to in Africa and one of my favorites in general.

Namibia gained independence just in 1994 and is quiet, unknown and still has a large influence of Germany. I feel like I know more about Namibia than America at this point- everyone I met had new information to spread and more patriotism and praise for their country.

Heidi (my roommate), Peter (roommate’s brother) and I left Walvis Bay on Valentines Day with an open mind, 2 backpacks and a tent just in case we decided to camp. We walked into town and got a taxi to Swakopmund, a highly Germanized town just 35k away. The town was, like most of the country, silent. Namibia is about the size of Texas and Oklahoma combined but has a population of only 2 million. The streets are empty, the sun roars down and we felt like we were walking in a made up town and resembled a mini putput golf course. After taking a quick nap on the beach, we wandered to Dunes Backpackers- the first hostel we found. We got a dorm room with two German women and three men working on youth ministries who were from Namibia, the UK and South Africa. Steven, the South African, joined us as we began searching the town for dinner. Semester at Sea kids tend to take over and of course we were everywhere to be found. After an hour of looking for the perfect restaurant, we stopped at a seafood shack.

We celebrated Valentines Day with red wine and everyone ordered seafood- Peter got oysters, prawns and calamari and after being persuaded I had my first break of the vegetarian lifestyle. (Yes dad you can laugh and say I told you so). Later, we went out dancing at the local bar which was filled with Semester At Sea kids but I was fortunate enough to find Paulie- a Namibian filled with questions, answers and inspiration. Paulie knew everything about San Francisco, Boulder, the entire US and had never been there. We talked about everything from our different cultures to the stereotypes of both whites and blacks in America or when traveling abroad. It was a genuine, real conversation with someone in a bar and who was curious about Americans- he actually wanted to know if we were really like the people he had seen on MTV.

Four hours of sleep later, we were up and ready to make a plan. We walked throughout the town again (probably our 4th time because really it was so small), went to the grocery store and got a bag of bread, cheese, a soccer ball and parked it at the beach. After frying in the sun, playing soccer with locals who originally had just tried to rip us off, we took a taxi back to Walvis Bay. Along the way, we stopped at Dune 7- the largest in the area. We were planning on sandboarding but after running into multiple SAS students, they told us to do “the hamster ball” down the dunes. Obviously we had no idea what they were talking about but in the sake of doing the tourist thing, we signed up and were driven out to the top of the dune. We dove into a big bubble (imagine Bubble Boy times 5) and it was filled with water. You get in and then they roll you down the dune- splashing, slipping, flipping, getting air and crashing into each other (Heidi, Peter and I went as a triple) and I don’t know if I can even describe it. It was the weirdest thing I have ever done. Ever but an inventive way to explore the dunes?

We got back on the ship to shower and went back into town for dinner. Forgetting it was a Sunday night, we went to the only open place- Crazy Mama’s- a pizzeria that perfectly hit the spot. Even though it’s technically illegal (we’re not allowed to fraternize with the crew) we were able to sit with two of the food and beverage staff and one of the engineers. Finally I was able to get a lot of the burning questions I had answered. It’s amazing that they leave us clueless on how the ship really works and luckily the men were extremely nice and I actually feel like I have a better understanding on this vessel I call home.

Today we woke up early again and headed to the Lagoon to get on our sand dune tour. Moses, our guide, Heidi, Peter and I set off into the desert in two dune-buggies. We drove 60k out to Sandwich Harbor- not actually a place where sandwiches or any service is found but where the water has moved in 1k in over time and yes due to global warming. Moses knew answers to all of our questions and we learned more about the fabulous Namibian culture and history. We climbed the dunes and overlooked the ocean and all the vegetation. That is really what I love about Namibia- one minute you’re in the ocean, then tall grass, lagoons, sand dunes and mountains. The scenery is constantly changing and it’s all open space. You wouldn’t run into a soul. We went up and over the dunes which is actually really scary. Moses and Heidi rode in the first car and Peter and I were instructed to follow his tracks so we didn’t flip over. You’d just be driving along and then bam- the san dunes drops off and you are suddenly completely vertical. After a few near death experiences, I let Peter drive the rest of the way. Fortunately that meant I just got to admire and look at how the clear, absolute picturesque blue skies hit the sand and it never got old. For 8 hours I looked at the changing dunes and learned how the winds blow from different directions to create the distinct edges. We enjoyed a nicely packed picnic with mango juice, pears, tomatoes and cheese and somehow Peter was able to convince me to try Antelope. I took a tiny bite but won’t be eating that again…

We headed back into Walvis Bay and had to rush back to make dock time. I don’t know if I’ve ever been this tired and sunburned but again I wouldn’t have slept for a moment and missed this. I’ve realized it’s much better to travel independently and not with the SAS trips. Peter and Heidi have been traveling for years and knew how to just wing it and see where the wind took us. Sure we did a few typical tourist things but we branched out and stayed clear of SAS kids when possible and tried to really try it by ourselves. I felt completely safe the entire time and I think the Namibians are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met in my life.

Maybe you’re like me and had never heard of Namibia but that’s what also made it so special. The sand always creates a pristine trail, the air it extremely hot but the ocean will bring you back to normal temperature, the people are welcoming and willing to assist you in any capacity and yes the food is good enough to have a vegetarian eat meat for the first time in almost two years.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Moments In Morocco

Morocco. From the coast of Casablanca to three hours inland in Marrakech- Morocco offered me exactly what Semester At Sea describes in their pamphlets- an eye-opening experience that showed me insights I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

We were delayed a day when the weather took a turn for the worse and kept us outside Gibraltar (or Gibralazar as I seemed to call it) but it was okay. We had a free day at sea with no classes and just anxiety racing through our bodies. Finally we arrived in Casablanca and my trip left at 7:30am. We boarded busses and took the long stroll out of the industrial harbor into the crowded streets of Casablanca, Morocco’s largest city by far. Driving past Rick’s Café and more classic movie scenes, we drove three hours into Marrakech and began our tour. We first walked through what seemed the primary stages of labor with the initial steps of creating shoes, shredding meats and welding tools. I felt like I was walking in the set of Aladin and I was just waiting for the carpets to start flying.

Next we went into the Medina, the city center, and the wall that divides the city and around the tower- the symbol of Marrakech. The city center was bursting with snake charmers, dancers, monkeys, and people yelling at you for food and money while the children begged with their hands out. It was overwhelming to say the least. SAS had warned us about pickpocketings so I’m watching their hands and making sure I had control over my belongings and really that just divided the scene. It made it the whole “us verse them” dichotomy and I hated that. But then again I wanted to be safe so it was just a vicious circle.

We had an authentic lunch at a Moroccan restaurant in the town center and I was of course the only vegetarian at the table. I enjoyed some olives, rice and bread and just smiled and tried not to make a big deal. After lunch we toured temples and tombstones and ended our first night at an unbelievably nice hotel where we had a buffet style dinner full of lamb, fish, beef and chicken…

Day two. We were scheduled for surprise Olympic games and yes we were surprised. We headed into Palm Groves and were told to put on these blue waterproof suits (oh yeah it was pouring) and then we lined up with partners and surprise… we were ATVing! Erika and I jumped on and only did one practice loop before we all lined up and roared off into the mud and dumping rain. I drove first and decided it would be best if we got the dirtiest so I hit every puddle imaginable. We stopped halfway at a Moroccan village where they offered warm water for our frozen hands, hot mint tea (the tea of Morocco) and nan before we zoomed back out into the storm. By the end my face hurt from smiling so hard and to just look out into the open and see endless palm trees and African terrain- I couldn’t believe it. Even though ATVing isn’t really PC in Morocco it was a fantastic way to have fun and explore the city.

After another authentic meat cooked Moroccan lunch, we began our 2 hour camel trek. Camels are huge and make the loudest “oh my gosh I’m dying” noise. I climbed upon Fatto (not the name I chose) and we veered off into native lands with a school and small villages. We stopped for a music performance and more mint tea before heading back into the sunset aboard our camels. Edward, my camel guide, taught me songs I didn’t even understand but as I glanced out into the fading sun, I just kept thinking, “here I am, in Morocco on a camel watching the sunset singing Arabic.” Clearly it was a moment I will remember for the rest of my life.

Edward taught me more than Arabic songs but rather showed me something it could take a lifetime to learn. Edward spoke Arabic, Berber and French- three languages I do not speak. His English consisted of “I do not speak English” just as my French consisted of “Ja’ador formaggio” (I learned how to say I love cheese at lunch). But somewhere between the camel trek and the language barrier we began flirtatiously interacting without words. It was so simple and yet so hard to describe but it was in the smiling, the movements and all that I honestly felt myself feeling attracted to him. I began to see that love is not a language and doesn’t need words but really it is simply a feeling, an emotion and I only felt the tiniest amount but I know it’s real. I’m such a word person- I write for hours and read and try to express myself with these constants and vowels but there are some things that don’t require words or language. Somethings just exist.

We are sailing down the western coast of Africa with a week till Namibia. It’s such a tease to see random bits of land but it keeps me going.