Thursday, September 11, 2008

Strange How Hard It Rains Now

It was supposed to be an Indian Summer; as in dry weather, hazy air and occurs in late October. But with weather like today, I sense winter is upon us. I haven't seen rain like this in a long time. I think today I even used the phrase "cats and dogs" and I'm mildly embarrassed to confess I used such an old lady term.

I worked all day to finish my lit paper so I could go out tonight. I finished but I still haven't moved from my desk. My desk sits in front of a window that faces northeast Boulder. Actually half of it is shielded by the Theta House's roof but there is one light post outside that is keeping the whole street illuminated. It's impressive because literally there are no other lights visible except the one right outside my window. Starring directly under the bulb, I can see the rain pour through the light and disappear into the darkness of 15th street. Being the dork that I am, I put Patty Griffin's "Rain" on the i-pod speakers. I think I am the only person I know here that listens and appreciates PG and all her magic.

I'm looking forward to this comforting weather. I love the change of seasons. I love when it gets cold and we all complain that we have to throw on our uggs, scarfs, and double up on jackets. Inside I'm thrilled as I layer before venturing outside and I bet I'm not the only one secretly waiting for that first snowflake to fall.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Beginning to My Story Already In Progress

Growing up my dad always called me pickle. Some relatives caught on and fortunately the kids at school did not. Today few people refer to me as this fruit (yes it has seeds so it's a fruit).

I started 'Confessions of A Pickle" years ago but rather as my own personal journal. It would go along with the other 15 that have been accumulating over the years but I think blogging is different. It's a different confession- it's my life told through run-on-sentences, fragments, sappy quotes from movies or songs that make me feel oh so inspired, and all displayed on the internet for anyone to read.

I'm officially "in my twentys" and in a generation where Sex and The City promises being single at 40 is still fabulous, I figure I have nothing but possibilities ahead of me.