Saturday, March 30, 2013

One Year & a Quarter of Life

Happy One Year New York City! Is there any other city where people actually celebrate their anniversary of moving to it? Maybe it's because NYC residents are in this long race to officially become real New Yorkers (and it's what 7 years so I'm not even close??) Maybe I am not a real New Yorker but I've passed the first year and I even have a NY State driver license so really that should bump me up another year or two.

To say it was a year of ups and downs would be an understatement. Fortunately those downs have passed and if you need a refresher just go back to May/June 2012. It's hard to think that twelve months ago I was still at the bank, Kevin was jobless, there were bugs, there were tears and there were endless questions of sanity. Today I sit, far from those days, on our comfy couch, hard cider in hand with sore limbs resting from a 7 mile run- it's finally warm out (like actually warm and not 40* where we are desperately trying to say it's not so bad in our winter coats that we've been wearing for 4 months straight). It seems that we have actually turned the corner into spring and from where I sit everything seems to be in its place.

Coming right on schedule, my quarter life crisis has begun. Bold sentence but let me decipher. And I suppose it's not a crisis- crisis implies fire and insanity and danger. In reality, it's just an odd phase where my life seems to be turned upside down. I should have written a couple of days ago when I was actually started this phase but I've had some time to really think about it and dare I say I'm on the other side of it. Not the other side of the "crisis" but of the 'omg-what is happening' shock of it all. Since publicly announcing it on Facebook, I've had some pretty special people reach out to me and not only agree that this is all natural but they've offered guidance. That's something I just love about life- that no matter where you are and what you're feeling, someone else has been down that road and they'll show you the way out. Perhaps they'll even show you a shortcut.

So here I am- a year into New York and days into my quarter life thing (it's actually early by a month and a half but I've always seen myself as more mature for my age so go figure). I'm spending nearly all my time running (which has factored into the crisis because really what is the point of half marathons!!!) but on the bright side I'm developing that runner's high I've heard and dreamed about. I'm sure there's a point in it all and maybe I'll find it somewhere in those long, dreadful 13.1 miles.