Sunday, January 6, 2013

Turning Thirteen

Two thousand and thirteen. Still sounds futuristic and odd to say but maybe I feel this every year and then some how just get used to the phrase and suddenly this odd feeling becomes what I will miss the following year.

I love new years (not to be confused with the New Year extravaganza eve) but rather the start of something new, the chance to make goals, revisit the past to enhance your future and make a list, written or spoken, to hold oneself accountable of current promises. I personally love making lists and crossing items off and so my new year goals are thoughtfully planned out and marked with much anticipation. They are not necessarily resolutions or things I need to do better. They are just simply paths I'd like to take and roads I'd like to continue traveling on. I am eager to cross them off, eager to see where I stand in another year and reflect back to now and this moment. But, of course, I'll patiently wait and explore all the wonder this year provides.

1. Fully attempt yoga
2. Love your body Nourish it with exercise and health
3. Continue to always be reading a good book
4. Save money and don't spend earnings on silly, frivolous things
5. But when you do spend money, enjoy it. Every penny. You only live once
6. Further develop my career and ask for compensation to match my growth
7. Do at least one NYC activity a month (ice skate in Central Park, walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, ect)
8. Go to the doctor
9. Stretch out all 24 hours in the day. Make 24 hours enough
10. Continue my 366 photo project with Jenna
11. Be the best partner for Kevin and explore, adventure, grow and give our love everything I have because it's the best part of my life

Cheers to thirteen. Cheers to possibility. Cheers to you and yours.