Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Journey To Job Happiness

Of course, looking back now, everything seems doable. All of life's worries, the nights filled with empty tears and desperate worries all seem sort of silly. But I suppose you have to go down in that dark place to get back up high and really appreciate the view. I honestly am thankful for every tough day, every quiet hour and restless night of sleep. It all paid off in the end.

Let me jump right into the most fabulous news I could ever give... I GOT A NEW JOB!!!! It still doesn't feel real. It didn't feel real getting the offer, giving my 2 weeks, signing my contract- it just seemed like an out of body experience. I suppose it won't seem real until I take the E to the J and land in Brooklyn bright and early on the morning of August 13 at my new East New York Middle School. Before the sun will rise, I will be up brewing the necessary caffeine, and heading into an unknown part of the city. Tacking on an additional 30 minutes to my old commute, I am honestly thrilled for the extra mileage. I will search for new music and yikes I might actually get into e-books (thoughts...??). Give me miles and miles of extra travel time because when I get there I will enter into a job I actually want to be at. Now I'm not entering this new job naively. I know that deep down maybe everyone hates working or there will be days I will storm home and sigh but one of my new year resolutions was to be happy at work 1 day out of 5. Ladies and Gents, I am 110% positive I will be happy at work at least 4 times out of 5. I won't say 5 out of 5 and jinx anything but I am already ecstatic just knowing a real opportunity is here. Finally I am doing something I care about, have a passion for. Finally I won't be embarrassed to reveal my employer or tell people what I do. Finally I am using my degree and finally I am getting the opportunity I know I deserve.

In other positive news, Kevin got a job too! So long debt and hello actually have money. We are finally decorating our apartment and making it our own. Building a home and yes it's bug free, AC breezing and totally cute. We are finally able to do some of the activities not listed in the "free NYC" handbooks and are able to make bucket lists and wish lists. Of course, I am so thankful for our months of cheap living. We couldn't have made it without those special friends who either offered up their Vermont home and car, paid for lavish meals or treated us to afternoon snacks. I learned quickly that our friends weren't doing this out of pity but rather out of love and now we are able to help our friends if they ever enter that 'I-have-no-money-NYC-is-swallowing-me-whole' phase. And for the record, we are still savvy with our spending and would rather walk the length of the island than blow away our hard earnings.

With the job search completed, Kevin finally being able to pursue his comedy career and Emily's season of the Bachelorette concluding, I realized this has left me with a lot of spare time. I really can only stay idle for so long before I bust so I have been thinking of new hobbies. Taylor has been graciously virtually training me via ShredFit and really that has been my hobby. But let's get real- I need something else because I am no ultra marathon woman or shredding machine like him. In this fabulous day and age of pinterest, I think I'm gonna look into DIY crafts and maybe some fun recipes. I should be reading more and I still want to find a book club- I just have realized that now with us both happily employed we can really start living here. But I guess if my only current problem is searching for a new hobby, I can sort of try anything and see where I end up. Wherever it may be, it really is the journey that makes it all worth the destination.