Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Falling Back

Suddenly it's October. The leaves are golden, the air is crisp and life is finally beginning to slow down. Already we're in midterm season- but didn't school just start?

Today finishes fall rush- I was a Rho Gamma or basically a guide for the freshmen girls going through recruitment. To be honest, I thought I was completely done with the sorority. I skipped out of rush and did the Rho Gamma thing and was contemplating dropping or going inactive. But within these last few days I've seen how much Theta has meant to me and how I honestly couldn't imagine my life without it. Maybe it was sitting at pref night speeches and seeing all the potential members nervous as hell and wondering if Theta was the right house for them- I remember sitting in their exact seat just 3 years ago. At first I was extremely jealous- so envious that their experiences are just beginning and sadly the ends of mine are in view. But I realized that these last years in Theta have molded my life in every way possible and I wouldn't trade that for anything. I guess I'm "that" sorority girl they talk about during rush- I've met the girls that will be in my wedding, the girls that will stand by my side no matter the situation and people that truly want the best for me and are determined to see me succeed. When I chose Theta 3 years ago, I never saw that in my future. I saw parties and boys and fraternities and fun. Who knew it would be all that and yet so much more?

Senior year has been by far the most stressful and most academically challenging but to be honest- I like it. I'm always at the library or Starbucks studying (I've been reading so much I had to break out my glasses from high school...) and my planner is maxed out. But I just keep reminding myself that this is the last year- the last time I'll have homework or midterms or class and suddenly it doesn't seem so bad.

It seems the future is a frequent topic amongst college seniors- what are you going to do? Where are you going to live? How does your resume look? When's your next interview? Some people freak out and wonder how life could possibly go on post college but I'm getting excited. It will be the first time in my life where I can do absolutely anything I want. As a classified roadrunner, my plans are always changing but as of today I want to move to the east coast- New York or Boston- and work my way into the publishing world. Make some money, work on my writings, publish them and travel. I want to be dead broke and live on a tight budget. I want a tiny apartment that barely fits my bed but has a large, inspiring window to fill my head with possibilities. I want a library card to explore the passion around me and a coffee pot to brew my imagination during the late nights.
Does that seem like too much to ask for?

1 comment:

Jhani said...

love love love this. your dreams match my current ones and my old ones. I'll see you on the east coast missy.