Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Young Grasshopper Reflects

Oh August, what a rush.

It seems we returned from the golden state and things quickly, yet naturally, began to take shape. With moving boxes stacked up against the wall, Joanna and I spent our final days giggling and reminiscing our journey throughout the year. The apartment grew bare as Jo set off to Colorado to return to her Rocky Mountains and I began to prepare myself for domestic living. Boxes and bedsprings were loaded into the UHaul as Kev and I made one, small perrywrinkle room into a home. Saying goodbye to my apartment wasn't as hard as imagined but rather a big leap forward. Of course, when we got to Kevin's and there were boxes upon boxes, I had a small panic but it's a relief to know we are nearly all unpacked and as Kev works on being cleaner and making the bed, I am working on relaxing and not being such a neat freak. (Oh so these are those moments where you realize you're actually in a big girl relationship)...

The domestic living is simply nothing short of magic. Everything seems easier, less stressful. I live with my best friend who also happens to be my boyfriend, we live in a hip side of town filled with delicious foods and activities and my commute to work is a much shorter T ride and yet a relaxing 20 minute walk in the morning. We have easily adapted to each other's space and need for personal time (we are both currently blogging next to each other yet I doubt he knows I'm writing about him) and when we no longer want to be independent, I reach out my hand and he's there. For the bad days and the good, he's there- to talk it out, listen and side with me even when I'm wrong. For the first time, in maybe shall I say ever, I really, truly do not feel alone.

Besides this sappy love story... things have been pretty smooth sailing. My Boston copilot and favorite older brother moved back west but I've decided it's okay to be the only Valentino this side of the Mississippi. Oh yes, and speaking of sailing, we actually got to go back on the MV Explorer (the ship I sailed around the world on for SAS) and spend an evening on board the ship of dreams! It docked in the Boston harbor and so we dressed in our finest and headed back to the place I once was so fortunate to call home. As we entered gangway deck 5, the same smells rushed throughout and every memory came flooding back. I could barely handle myself as we stormed the decks and I told Kev endless stories as we sipped on wine and dined on deck 6 by the pool. Sadly, just like the voyage, our night ended but I will forever be blessed to have step foot on that magical vessel again.

Work is... attempting to progress. I can't even find the words because there are few words that describe the situation but I am somewhere between real interviews and coffee dates and cold interviews and performance reviews. Confused? Me too but I've been told to be patient and so that's what I tell myself everyday. Just be patient and the universe will unfold.

So as August wraps up and the weather calms down (I mean come on a hurricane??), I am nesting in my new pad and awaiting life. Still stomping the financial district, Starbucks in hand and chasing the unknown dream but enjoying the ride. When the words filter out, my safe haven, this blog, will, of course, be the first to know. But until then, Godspeed in whatever journey you rest in and at the end of the day, just breathe and smile. And, of course, rinse and repeat as necessary.

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