Sunday, January 29, 2012

Break The Window So You Can Breathe

A month in and I can honestly say there has been major progress since I last confessed. Minimal yet major. It's the little things that are beginning to add up.

In this moving process, I have been endlessly blessed with help and guidance from friends on all levels. What surprises me the most is that people are actually willing to assist me. Friends of friends of the 6th degree separation have reached out and volunteered their knowledge and their networks leaving me with a continue hope to make this real.

Imagine taking a nail and slightly taping it into a glass window. It doesn't completely shatter or break- it cracks and spiderwebs into an unclear image. After last week's endeavors, the upcoming future has shown a sneak peak. A little noise from the break and a big push from the possibility presented. Of course, it's all still in the making. The window is simply beginning to fall out. I can't see what's ahead but the tiny slits have leaked a breathe of fresh air.

And I must say I am looking forward to more cracks in the window.

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