Sunday, March 4, 2012

Deep In The Heart

There is some part of me, that for some unknown reason, is a deep at heart southern girl. I've got the stereotypical things- cowboy boots, country music, the occasional "y'all", porch swings and margaritas on a summer night. But in a deeper layer, we find general hospitality, family love and the longing for the gentle slow pace of life.

Recently, I was fortunate enough to spend a long weekend deep in the heart of Texas with my ever so magical Noni & Papa. Kevin and I ventured to the little town of Boerne (driving a hilariously small Fiat) and spent 3 days Wii bowling, eating copious amounts of home cooking, met a mule wrangler who sold us fabulous boots, puzzled ourselves over Jeopardy and spend hours listening to the sweet tales of my grandparents. It's probably my favorite part of visiting 400 Tapatio drive- the house is filled with love, filled with history of a couple who still flirts together at 92 and cherishes each and every day.

The family love continued to spread as aunt and uncles stopped by for meals and chats. Even though it had been quite some time since our last visit, it seems our family just picks up and continues right where we left off. Stories of growing up, past visits and future wishes left me feeling full of gratitude and so beyond thankful for this life. I am reminded to live each day to the fullest and yet take it one day at a time. Of course, this is something I continue to work on daily especially as the big move approaches. But it's a sweet, blissful feeling to know that when the world gets too loud and the city gets too fast, Boerne, Texas will open its arms and slow the time and rekindle my heart.

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