Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sometimes I Get A Good Feeling

And just like that, we're heading into the final stretch of the year. December is a sweet reminder that we save the best for last. December is the most wonderful time of the year filled with blessings, happiness, magic and joy as we forget our troubles and wrap our bodies and minds in the glorious holiday season.

The holiday season, of course, begins with Thanksgiving and an annual short but always fabulous trip home. My 4 days in California were filled to the brim and left nothing but a sweet taste in my heart and soul. Surrounded by good people and good times, I was able to see old friends, best friends, high school kids, Valentinos, Rossis and Buckleys from far and near while spending countless hours in the hot tub soaking in the family gossip. My first Thanksgiving with actual turkey (in 6 years) along with the dreadful 3 hour time difference, left me exhausted each night as a I sank into California dreams stowed in my childhood bedroom.

Each visit home, I find my relationships altering and growing in the most fascinating of ways. With my parents, it continues to blossom into some magical and near utopian. They're my best friends, we're equals, we share secrets and advice, we laugh, we cry, we're honest and even take our stress on the world out on each other (not always a good thing but we grow from this too). At the end of the day, I have nothing but pure love and respect for them and aspire to be even an ounce of a person that they are. The inspiration from family continues on to my incredible siblings. From married life to college life, running miles and creating miracles, these individuals continue to be my heroes. Filled with a determination to succeed and blinded by any of life's challenges, these fellows take life head on and greet each day with endless laughter. Thousands of miles away, it's hard to believe I am anything like them but I hope some of their wonder and sparkle trails to the east.

It is, of course, always hard to leave the sunny, golden state. SFO, so sterile and concrete, is hard to arrive at and turn my back on my roots. Somehow, though, every time, I get back on that plane. I head east to this life I've created and I greet it with a smile. Passenger pick-up always awaits the love of my life (how spoiled am I that boyfriend always gets me!!!) and Boston, without hesitation or question, opens her arms yet again.

As we head into this final chapter of the year, I am reminded of the magic and wonder this season provides. Family, friends, cheer and bliss, there are so many things to be thankful for. Eagerly I await our trip to NYC for Christmas in full swing, holiday parties and Yankee swaps, another lovely holiday with boyfriend's family and did I mention it's been in the 60's and actually, dare I say, warmer than California? However, the snow can fall whenever it pleases as I will stay warm in the comfort of this euphoric celebration.

(Some dolls at our Family Turkey Trot! 5k/10k aka shredding machines)

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